Malete Journal of Management and Social Sciences



Preparation of Manuscripts

The contributions should be typed on one side of A4 size papers with font 12 ‘Times New Roman’ and 1.5 lines spacing. Margins of 2.5 cm. should be on foot and right sides and 2.0 on head. The left margin should be 4 cm. The full paper should not exceed 20 pages.


A. Language

All papers should be in English.

B. Title (font – 14 bold)

Title should be simple and concise. Begin the first word with a capital letter; thereafter capitalise only proper or trade names.

C. Author (s) (font – 12 bold)

Use only one form of your names as an author in all of your publications.

D. Author(s) affiliation(s) (font-12 normal)

Write out the names and postal addresses of all institutions in full.

E. Abstract (font-11-normal)

An abstract must accompany each manuscript. The abstract should be less than 300 words and be completely self-contained.

F. Main body (font 12 normal)

The body of the paper (text and math) should be divided into sections with the use of section headings and subheadings.

1. Principal heading (font-12 bold) Left-justified heading, all capital letters preceded by an Arabic numeral and a period.


1.1 First sub-heading (font 12 bold)


Left-justified heading, first letter capital, proceed by an Arabic numeral followed by a period and a numeral.

2. References, figures and tables numbering


Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) Use (a), (b), (c), etc. to label the parts of the figures.

3. Equation numbering :

Equations should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers within parenthesis (1), (2), (3), etc.

4. The 6th Edition of the APA citation system should be use. Citation of reference information should be simple and as concise as possible and should be indicated in the text by the name of the Author(s) and the year of publication within parenthesis. Only quoted references should be included in the reference section.

E.g.; i. (Bandara, 2003).

E.g.; ii (John & Smith, 1982).

G. Acknowledgements (font 12 Bold)

The acknowledgement section follows the main body of the paper. Use a principal heading without a number.

H. Footnotes (font 10-normal)

Use lowercase letters a, b, a, etc. to label the footnotes. Refer to the footnote in the body text by the insertion of label a superscript.

I. References

The 6th Edition of the APA Reference system should be followed for the list of references.

Papers can be submitted electronically through the button below.